/?php $result_seo=mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con,"select * from tbl_aboutus where id ='24'"));?> /?php $webmasterRow=mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con,"select * from tbl_mobileemail where pkId = '2'"));?>
Brief Description:
Prayatna’s “IT NEET Classes” is one of our central programmes which aims to provide online, free of cost, diversified, PAN India IIT NEET coaching classes to all those students who cannot make it to a higher amount of fee in IIT NEET courses. This programme is conducted online and incorporates students from diverse backgrounds. The smooth functioning of a robust and secured digital ecosystem is applied virtually in these classes, facilitating barrier-free online education. IIT NEET departments are some of the most sought-after sectors but due to the higher amount of expense in these coachings, there exist a set of students who remain devoid of this opportunity. Undoubtedly, lockdown following the pandemic even worsened the situation.